The protagonist of Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan, is a boy named Darren. There are also Steve, Darren's sister Annie and Darren's parents. The antagonists are Madame Octa and Mr. Crepsley. The story takes place in the 1990's. The story's settings are the school, Darren's house, the old theatre and the graveyard. In this story Steve and Darren manage to get the tickets for the Cirque du Freak. There they see extraordinary things and Darren is attracted by a poisonous spider named Madame Octa while Steve is suspicious about her master, Mr. Crepsley, who really is a vampire. Steve asks Mr. Crepsley if he could make him his vampire assistant but Mr.Cresley refuses. Then, Darren steals Madame Octa and makes her perform small tricks, secretly, in his bedroom. One day Steve visits Darren's home and is bitten by Madame Octa. To save him, Darren will have to simulate his own death, become a half vampire and Mr. Crepsley's assistant.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan
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