The protagonist of Demon Thief by Darren Shan is a boy named Cornelius. He has a baby brother called Art and two parents. There also is a group of demon hunters. The antagonist is the demon master Lord Loss. The story takes place approximately 30 years before Lord Loss takes place. The story takes place in a village called Paskington and in the world of the Demonata. In this story, Cornelius' brother is kidnapped by demons. Cornelius gets together with demons hunters to find his brother. Then Cornelius discovers that he has the power of creating portals between different worlds and uses this power to find his brother. Then he discovers that his brother is really a demon, servant of Lord Loss. A long time before, Cornelius had by accident opened a portal and had unconsciously stolen the demon. So at the end he discovers that he himself is the Demon thief.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
The protagonist of the Last Siege by Jonathan Stroud, is a girl named Emily; the secondary characters are Marcus and Simon, while the antagonist is Marcus' father. The year the story takes place in is not stated but I assume it takes place in the 1980's. The story's setting is in a ruined castle near an English town. In this story Emily, Marcus, and Simon explore the castle and, one day, sleep in it. On another day Marcus escapes from his father, and hides in the castle where he meets his friends. There they resists a siege put up by Marcus' father to capture Marcus and bring him back home. This happens because Marcus says that his father has mistreated him while it really was not true. This is shown by the fact that Marcus' father tries to persuade Marcus to get out of the castle but Marcus refuses. Therefore, Marcus' father is forced to break into the castle.
Link about the author
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The protagonist of Lord Loss by Darren Shan is a boy named Grubbs. His family is made up by his parents, his elder sister Gret and himself . He lives a perfectly normal life until one night, demons kill his family and Grubbs barely escapes from them. Grubbs has an uncle named Dervish and another brother named Billy-E. The story takes place in Grubbs' home, at Dervish's home, at the insane asylum, in a forest and in a cellar. In the story Grubbs' family is murdered by demons and he is sent to his uncle's house where he finds his long lost brother who, as Grubbs will later discover, is a werewolf. Then Grubbs will be forced to fight Lord Loss, a powerful demon master. The story takes place because Grubbs' family is cursed and to free the family from the curse, Grubbs will have to challenge the deadly Lord Loss at a chess match.